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Recipe of Ultimate Jollof rice

 ·  ☕ 6 min read  ·  ✍️ Florence Bennett

Jollof rice

Hello everybody, I hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, jollof rice. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Jollof rice is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It’s appreciated by millions every day. Jollof rice is something which I have loved my whole life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

Jollof rice is a very common dish prepared in many African countries and each recipe differs I specifically prepare the Nigerian party jollof rice which I still feel is one of the best recipes out there. Nigerian Jollof Rice or Jellof rice is a rich and incredibly tasty west African one-pot Meal. Ghanaian Jollof Rice By Tei Hammond. Add the rice, mixed vegetables, and water.

To begin with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can have jollof rice using 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Jollof rice:
  1. Make ready 3 cups basmati rice (170g)
  2. Prepare 4 1/2 cup water (250ml)
  3. Prepare 750 g chicken breast
  4. Get 1 large onion
  5. Make ready 2 medium fresh tomatoes
  6. Prepare 1 red bell pepper
  7. Prepare 140 g tomato paste
  8. Get 1 cup boiled green peas
  9. Make ready 2 1/4 cup diced fresh carrots
  10. Take 1/2 tbs salt
  11. Make ready 1/2 tbs cayenne pepper
  12. Get 1/2 tbs chili powder
  13. Take 1/2 tbs garlic powder
  14. Prepare 1/2 tbs ginger powder
  15. Make ready 1/2 tbs dried thyme leaves
  16. Prepare 1 tsp Jollof rice seasoning
  17. Make ready 15 g chicken stock cube

The chef Tunde Wey is based in New Orleans, but he was born in Nigeria, where jollof rice is a well-loved dish. Jollof rice is one of the most simple and easy to make Nigerian food, you'd want to start from here if jollof rice recipe is accepted all over the world and the ingredients used are found in every country of. Jollof Rice. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. An easy African Jollof Rice Recipe for a non-traditional weeknight side or special occasion side dish.

Instructions to make Jollof rice:
  1. Prepare the chicken stock by seasoning with salt, cayenne pepper powder,chicken stock cube, some water and cook until it’s tender. Take out the chicken and grill in the oven.
  2. Pulse the tomatoes, bell pepper and onion into a food processor and blend to purée. Pour the mixture in a heated pan and allow to cook for about 15 minutes on low heat, stirring frequently when it’s almost dried off and to avoid burning. Add the tomato paste, stir for about 5 minutes and turn off.
  3. Wash the rice twice and put in a pot on a stove top. Add the stipulated amount of water, cover and cook for 12 minutes only(parboiling). Drain the water and rinse off twice under running water, then set aside.
  4. Pour the chicken stock in the tomato pot and allow to boil on low heat. Add the rice and stir well, cover and leave for 2 minutes on high heat. - Add the carrot and stir, reduce to low heat and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the cooked peas and stir, turn off the heat and allow to stand for 5 minutes before serving with the grilled chicken. You can enjoy the dish with some fresh salads.

Jollof Rice. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. An easy African Jollof Rice Recipe for a non-traditional weeknight side or special occasion side dish. This dish will wow any crowd and smell up your entire kitchen in the best possible way. Jollof rice is a spicy, traditional dish of West African origin. While it is prepared differently in various countries, this article outlines the steps of making Nigerian-style Jollof rice.

Going Green for Good Health By Eating Superfoods

One of the best points of going green is to slow down and enjoy life. Despite the fast pace of our modern world, you can do this. We must go back to a lifestyle that prevents disease before we need to treat it. A lot of folks have the attitude of ruining the body today, and fix it with a pill tomorrow. We’re barraged with adverts for magic pills that are supposed to fix any problem right away. Naturally, some of these pills are able to help but only if you couple them with a change in lifestyle. Unlike purchasing a new car, you won’t be able to trade in your exhausted body for a new one. You should learn how to look after your body before it is too late. Your body cannot work correctly if it does not get adequate nutrition.

When you eat, do you eat out of convenience or taste without determining if what you are eating is beneficial for you? How often do you fill up on mini mart junk food, or fatty fried foods from the local fast food eating places? With all of the sugar-laden starchy and fatty food that most people eat, it’s not surprising that new diseases are regularly occurring. There is an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many others, likely induced by the foods that are eaten. People are opting to eat better now that they are aware of how crucial food choices are to their health. Good nutritious food is now found at local grocery and health food shops.

These days, you can find an organic food aisle in nearly all grocery stores. In this aisle, you’ll see the superfoods. That name has been given to 14 foods that have been shown to retard some diseases, or even reverse them. You will find that you think more clearly when you consume these foods. You will begin to feel a lot better when you opt to ingest the superfoods in place of junk food. Your body will start to function as it was meant to when you give it the correct nutrition. In this case, the immune system can fight off any malady.

Your daily diet should include at least a few of these super foods. To start with, beans are very good, and berries, especially blueberries. Add some green tea or spinach or broccoli. Don’t forget whole grains and nuts. Additionally, you should eat yogurt, soybean, pumpkins, oranges, and tomatoes, along with salmon and turkey. Making these foods a usual part of your diet will get rid of your weight gain problems.

Green living equips you with a solid eating plan, with all of the correct ingredients for better health. Your body will ward off diseases as your immune system gets healthier. Ensure your future health by switching to healthy eating habits today.

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